Christmas Carol vs. The Ghost of Christmas Presents

[Updated on 01/01/2013 16:32:56]
Christmas Carol vs... The World! Christmas Carol vs... The World!
(Carol's Super Duper Christmas Championship Extravaganza)

The contest is closed.
Below are the official winners of the 2012 championship

Top Ranking Elf:  WispFollower

High Score: 14,034
Highest Level: 136
Squad Rank: Grand Master Elf

Top 10 Elite Elves

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#2. Liduario

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#3. Oscar G.

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#4. Jesus

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#5. 1980gamer

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#6. Scalpel

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#7. arquillos

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#8. Fushek

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#9. JacobZu7zu7

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#10. Karima K.

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#11. JasonlikesINTV

Santa's Helpers

Name Score Rank
12. IntellivisionDude 3,125 Ranger
13. Yeliz K. 2,646 Ranger
14. ACrystal2011 2,406 Helper
15. Brian O 2,375 Helper
16. TrekMD 1,822 Helper
17. Zodiacprime 1,738 Helper
18. IntellivisionGuy97 1,459 Helper
19. odnarb1986 1,264 Novice
20. ed1475 1,259 Novice
21. darthkur 912 Novice
22. Dale W. 906 Novice
23. Rick Reynolds 893 Novice
Name Score Rank
24. Villanovafan 887 Novice
25. Marco T. 855 Novice
26. Lupovax 705 Novice
27. Horeus Horeus 698 Novice
28. Utopia 694 Novice
29. cvga 669 Novice
30. Darrin9999 660 Novice
31. stc2009 619 Novice
32. wazzal 600 Novice
33. Intymike 575 Novice
34. Nour K. 510 Novice
35. jblenkle 249 Novice

Special Mention Spectators

Name Score Rank
1. Cparsley 8,003 Grand Master
2. DZ-Jay 1,920 Helper
Name Score Rank
3. RangerG 569 Novice